PROBLEM: How to concatenate code, description and batch in one sentence?
=2.IF([@Type]<>"";"";IF([@√]="√";"";IF([@CODE]="";"";1.CONCATENATE([@CODE];" - ";[@DESCRIPTION];", batch: ";[@BATCH]))))
This formula is a nested IF, OR, and CONCATENATE function that concatenates the values in the columns CODE, DESCRIPTION, and BATCH of the current row of the table where the value in the column Type is empty, the value in the column √ is equal to √, and the value in the column CODEis not empty. If any of these conditions are not met, it returns an empty string.
Here’s how the formula works:
CONCATENATE(text1, [text2], ...)
For example: The result for the first cell:
"17 - GDNS, batch: 6"